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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Produits de la mer
Autres produits de la mer
Description : Organic Shrimp
Our high quality products are processed under total compliance of HACCP regulations and are certified AB, EURO LEAF, BIO SWISS and QCS standards.
We can proudly offer raw, frozen, precooked and cooked shrimp in blocks or IQF:

• Head on shrimp
• Shell on shrimp
• Value Added
• Pealed
• Pulled vein
• Peeled and deveined (P&D)
• Peeled undevein (PUD)
• Butterfly
• EZ-peel
• Skewers
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : Nous recherchons les acheteurs des fruits éxotique sec provenance du Laos.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes sous vide
Description : Nous recherchons les acheteurs fruits et légumes provenance du Laos sous vides ( éxotique )
Etudie tous vos proposition;

Contactez nous:
Café, thé, chocolat
Café & succédanés
Description : Nous sommes une petite entreprise recherche partenaire pour nos produits café ARABICA du Laos.
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : BioGreens is a 100% organic, vegan superfood with greens, algae and sprouts. It is an excelent source of antioxidants, proteins, fibers and enzymes.

Product formula: wheatgrass, bio (EU); barley grass, bio (EU); Chlorella algae, bio (EU); Spirulina algae, bio (EU); peppermint leaves, bio (EU); wheat sprouts, bio (non-EU); broccoli sprouts, bio (non-EU); barley sprouts, bio (non-EU); dry extract of Acerola fruit, bio (EU);
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres
Description : Hello. We are a company that produces aromatic plants in Puglia (in southern Italy), the most productions consist by biological Oregano ( "Heracleoticum" variety, very fragrant). In the annex can see an image of our product in phase of vegetation.

If you are interested to our products, please contact us for more informations.

thanks for attention.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Plantes aromatiques
Description : We are commercializing the growing of the following aromatic plants: Rose geranium, lemon balm, palmarosa and marjoram sweet.
Fruits legumes
Autres fruits legumes
Description : Melimar Bio es una empresa que se dedica a la producción hortofrutícola ecológica, exportamos nuestras frutas y verduras de gran calidad a clientes en Alemania. A través de e-mail os enviamos una presentación para que nos conozcáis. Contactando a través de e-mail podemos enviaros más información sobre gama de precios y productos.

Un saludo.

Melimar Bio is a company dedicated to a quality-oriented organic agriculture, we export our fruit and vegetables of quality to costumers in Germany. Thorugh e-mail we can send a presentation for you knows us. Contact us through e-mail we can send you our range of products and price.

Best regards.
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais
Description : Melimar Bio es una empresa que se dedica a la producción hortofrutícola ecológica, exportamos nuestras frutas y verduras de gran calidad a clientes en Alemania. A través de e-mail os enviamos una presentación para que nos conozcáis. Contactando a través de e-mail podemos enviaros más información sobre gama de precios y productos.

Un saludo.

Melimar Bio is a company dedicated to a quality-oriented organic agriculture, we export our fruit and vegetables of quality to costumers in Germany. Thorugh e-mail we can send a presentation for you knows us. Contact us through e-mail we can send you our range of products and price.

Best regards.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Melimar Bio es una empresa que se dedica a la producción hortofrutícola ecológica, exportamos nuestras frutas y verduras de gran calidad a clientes en Alemania. A través de e-mail os enviamos una presentación para que nos conozcáis. Contactando a través de e-mail podemos enviaros más información sobre gama de precios y productos.

Un saludo.

Melimar Bio is a company dedicated to a quality-oriented organic agriculture, we export our fruit and vegetables of quality to costumers in Germany. Thorugh e-mail we can send a presentation for you knows us. Contact us through e-mail we can send you our range of products and price.

Best regards.
Epices condiments
Épices, poivres
Description : Dear Sir or Madam:
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Abdelrahman Shalaby Import &Export Manager in Valley Herbs for import and export (S.A.E). We would like to take the time to introduce our company to you. We have been in business for more than Seven years under Al Fares for export (LLC) and we have opened Valley Herbs for import and export (S.A.E) as a new company by more liabilities and obligations. We are experts in export wide range of herbs, spices and vegetables .We grow both of organic and conventional products .Our organic products are supervised by Egyptian Centre of Organic Agriculture ECOA.We depend on our farms with great team of professionals in growing herbs and spices so we can offer the best quality of products with suitable prices.
We are regularly Selling: hibiscus, chamomile, calendula, lemon grass, marjuram, spermint, pepermint, cumin, black cumin,Black Cumin Seeds
Black Pepper ,Celery ,Coriander seeds , Dill Seeds
Fennel Seeds , Fenugreek Seeds ,Sesame ,Caraway seeds
Anise seeds ,Sunflower seeds
Just you have a small inquiry or need a quotation for any product, you contact us and we promise you that you will be completely satisfied .
Epices condiments
Ails, oignons
Description : Dear Sir or Madam:
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Abdelrahman Shalaby Import &Export Manager in Valley Herbs for import and export (S.A.E). We would like to take the time to introduce our company to you. We have been in business for more than Seven years under Al Fares for export (LLC) and we have opened Valley Herbs for import and export (S.A.E) as a new company by more liabilities and obligations. We are experts in export wide range of herbs, spices and vegetables .We grow both of organic and conventional products .Our organic products are supervised by Egyptian Centre of Organic Agriculture ECOA.We depend on our farms with great team of professionals in growing herbs and spices so we can offer the best quality of products with suitable prices.
We are regularly Selling: hibiscus, chamomile, calendula, lemon grass, marjuram, spermint, pepermint, cumin, black cumin,Black Cumin Seeds
Black Pepper ,Celery ,Coriander seeds , Dill Seeds
Fennel Seeds , Fenugreek Seeds ,Sesame ,Caraway seeds
Anise seeds ,Sunflower seeds , Onion , Garlic
Just you have a small inquiry or need a quotation for any product, you contact us and we promise you that you will be completely satisfied .
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : Orties, Tilleul, Lavande sauvage, Baies de genièvre
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes aromatiques
Description : pour la récolte 2014 nous vous proposons en frais ou en séché;
Thym, Romarin, Sarriette,Origan,Sauge,Persil,Coriandre,Basilic.
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Huiles essentielles
Description : ofrecemos aceite esencial de eucalipto producido por arrastre de vapor y de materia prima eucalipto producido en ayacucho peru de un modo orgánico.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
